Friday, April 30, 2010

ER Visit

I woke up on Wednesday morning not feeling all that great. The entire house was spinning with me and I felt drunk, but of course, I haven't had a drink since finding out I was pregnant. I had to literally hold on to the wall to make it to the bathroom. I was in bad shape. I called my Dr. and was told to go to the Emergency Room. Since I have a pre-existing seizure disorder, they were concerned that a seizure was imminent. My blood pressure was extremely low and the CBC reflected low red blood cell count, which indicated anemia. They ran a battery of tests and then transferred me to the hospital downtown with the high risk OB unit. I was monitored there for a couple of hours and sent home.

I've been to the ER numerous times with this pregnancy, this was the most intense. I was really worried that they were going to find something seriously wrong. I did not want them to tell me that they would have to induce labor, that was my biggest fear. Luckily, I was able to return home with orders to rest. I was able to see the baby's face also. They did an ultrasound and he was looking right at me. My heart melted. I wanted to go through the screen and give him a big kiss.

I can't wait to hold him in my arms. Few more weeks to go.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

33 weeks down, 7 to go

I am officially 33 weeks pregnant today. I am so proud and excited to have made it this far. I've been sick with hyperemesis gravidarum since week 10 and it's been miserable, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel now and I can start to simply look forward to having my baby boy in my arms.

I know that being a single mom of two isn't going to be easy, but I am feeling hopeful that everything will work out just as it should. I have faith in something that is bigger than me.
Thursday, April 1, 2010

PR Info

I am always open to product reviews and giveaways if they relate to my blog’s contents and readers. I am interested in reviewing baby and parenting products including (but not limited to) those that support cloth diapering and breastfeeding. I will relate my experiences and honest opinion about any product reviewed.

Giveaways and reviews are a great chance for companies to get their products noticed to a new audience. They also give my readers an opportunity to receive something that they will enjoy or that will make their lives easier. I will consider any product that is relevant to my blog. .

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This policy is valid from 27 April 2010

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About Me
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Breastfeeding, babywearing, clothdiapering enthusiast. Single 30-something mom to a 4 year old goddess and a little prince born in June 2010. Just enjoying life with kids, rolling with the punches and sharing my lessons along the way.
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